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Google Search On The Chopping Block?

As a security awareness expert, I'm constantly exploring new technologies and evaluating how they can be leveraged to enhance online safety, especially for those who are less digitally literate. In this ever-evolving digital landscape, an emerging AI start-up called Perplexity AI has caught my attention with their innovative search engine, even in its totally free version.

Perplexity AI offers three main value propositions that set it apart from traditional search engines like Google from my perspective:

1. Ad-free Results The absence of advertisements in Perplexity AI's search results provides a more objective and unbiased experience. This not only enhances the overall user experience but also eliminates a common social engineering tool that hackers often exploit to lure unsuspecting users into malicious traps.

2. Comprehensive Answers to Your Questions Unlike Google, which primarily directs users to various company websites, Perplexity AI takes a different approach. It scours reputable sources, synthesizes the information, and presents a comprehensive answer to your query, complete with direct source citations. This streamlined method eliminates the need to navigate through multiple websites, saving time and effort.

3. Safer Navigation For those who are less digitally literate, navigating the online world can be a daunting task. Perplexity AI's search engine simplifies this process by providing direct answers to questions, reducing the need for extensive web surfing and minimizing exposure to potential cyber threats. With Perplexity AI, finding reliable information becomes more accessible, even without an advanced degree in cybersecurity.

To put my theory to the test, I decided to involve my Momma in a pilot study. Here's how it unfolded:

Brian: "Momma, download this app and ask it a question you would normally ask Google, and give me your feedback regarding which one you like more."

Momma: "Okay, I'll ask it how to make chicken fajitas because that's what I'm making for dinner." <Roughly 15-second pause> "When I use Google, it gives me like a hundred things to click on, including sponsored things. This just shows me how to make chicken fajitas. It's nice!"

If Perplexity AI doesn't use this true story in their first commercial, I will be personally offended.

My mother's experience perfectly encapsulates the simplicity and user-friendliness that Perplexity AI offers, especially for those who are less tech-savvy.

Consider the image below as an example of a test case I used when evaluating both tools against each other. I hope the results help put my thoughts into perspective.

An example of Perplexity AI versus Google Search
An example of Perplexity AI versus Google Search

In conclusion, as a security awareness expert, I firmly believe that Perplexity AI's search engine has the potential to revolutionize the way we access information online, providing a safer and more comprehensive experience, particularly for those who may struggle with digital literacy.

As technology continues to evolve, it's crucial to embrace innovations that prioritize user-friendliness and online safety for all.

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